Intra Oral Camera USB Type - Waldent



Waldent Intraoral Camera USB Model is Designed to allow clinicians to capture and display digital images from inside a patient mouth, intraoral cameras are a valuable tool for patient education and case documentation. Shaped like a small wand, these intraoral cameras are highly portable and easily connect to a computer, laptop, and mobile. For effective relationships between dentists & patients, the image quality has been enhanced making it much easier for the dentists to explain the oral health problems or oral pathologies with the patients. The specially designed intraoral camera is one of the best choices in the field of Dentistry.

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Product Description

Waldent Intraoral Camera USB Model is Designed to allow clinicians to capture and display digital images from inside a patient mouth, intraoral cameras are a valuable tool for patient education and case documentation. Shaped like a small wand, these intraoral cameras are highly portable and easily connect to a computer, laptop, and mobile. For effective relationships between dentists & patients, the image quality has been enhanced making it much easier for the dentists to explain the oral health problems or oral pathologies with the patients. The specially designed intraoral camera is one of the best choices in the field of Dentistry.

Waldent Intraoral Camera USB Model is Designed to allow clinicians to capture and display digital images from inside a patient mouth, intraoral cameras are a valuable tool for patient education and case documentation. Shaped like a small wand, these intraoral cameras are highly portable and easily connect to a computer, laptop, and mobile. For effective relationships between dentists & patients, the image quality has been enhanced making it much easier for the dentists to explain the oral health problems or oral pathologies with the patients. The specially designed intraoral camera is one of the best choices in the field of Dentistry.

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