Dental Chair Avyanna - Unicorn Denmart



Avyanna dental chair is highly ergonomic designed dental unit to improve every minute spent around the patient chair which leads to comfort for all: Dentist, Assistant and Patient. Fully electrically operated dental chair with state of art microprocessor based chair control system with feather touch switches for chair operations with Zero programme gives precise control over the chair.

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Product Description

Avyanna dental chair is highly ergonomic designed dental unit to improve every minute spent around the patient chair which leads to comfort for all: Dentist, Assistant and Patient. Fully electrically operated dental chair with state of art microprocessor based chair control system with feather touch switches for chair operations with Zero programme gives precise control over the chair.

Avyanna dental chair is highly ergonomic designed dental unit to improve every minute spent around the patient chair which leads to comfort for all: Dentist, Assistant and Patient. Fully electrically operated dental chair with state of art microprocessor based chair control system with feather touch switches for chair operations with Zero programme gives precise control over the chair.

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