iPex II Apex Locator - NSK



Using the results of numerous clinical trials and verification tests as a base, NSK created SmartLogic, a next-generation Apex Locator compatible with diverse tooth forms, and that provides superior accuracy in detecting the root apex. At the biologically crucial root apex - the Zone of Precision - the iPexII is able to provide a clear, accurate image of the file tip’s location on its LCD panel.

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Product Description

Using the results of numerous clinical trials and verification tests as a base, NSK created SmartLogic, a next-generation Apex Locator compatible with diverse tooth forms, and that provides superior accuracy in detecting the root apex. At the biologically crucial root apex - the Zone of Precision - the iPexII is able to provide a clear, accurate image of the file tip’s location on its LCD panel.

Using the results of numerous clinical trials and verification tests as a base, NSK created SmartLogic, a next-generation Apex Locator compatible with diverse tooth forms, and that provides superior accuracy in detecting the root apex. At the biologically crucial root apex - the Zone of Precision - the iPexII is able to provide a clear, accurate image of the file tip’s location on its LCD panel.

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