UV Chamber 12 Trays - Stericab



The "Stericab" is Compact Ultraviolet Storage cabinet that has effective UV sterilization ability to maintain & preserve instruments without any fear of contamination of micro organisms once they are Sterilized orAutoclaved. The "Stericab" is equipped with Germicidal Tube which efficiently emits a large amount of ultraviolet rays at wavelength 253.7nm which have excellent germicidal effect and thereby prohibiting growth and reproduction of micro organisms. The "Stericab" is commonly useful for Medical & dental centers/clinics, Pharmaceutical industry, Food industry, Environmental protection industry, etc.

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Product Description

The "Stericab" is Compact Ultraviolet Storage cabinet that has effective UV sterilization ability to maintain & preserve instruments without any fear of contamination of micro organisms once they are Sterilized orAutoclaved. The "Stericab" is equipped with Germicidal Tube which efficiently emits a large amount of ultraviolet rays at wavelength 253.7nm which have excellent germicidal effect and thereby prohibiting growth and reproduction of micro organisms. The "Stericab" is commonly useful for Medical & dental centers/clinics, Pharmaceutical industry, Food industry, Environmental protection industry, etc.

The "Stericab" is Compact Ultraviolet Storage cabinet that has effective UV sterilization ability to maintain & preserve instruments without any fear of contamination of micro organisms once they are Sterilized orAutoclaved. The "Stericab" is equipped with Germicidal Tube which efficiently emits a large amount of ultraviolet rays at wavelength 253.7nm which have excellent germicidal effect and thereby prohibiting growth and reproduction of micro organisms. The "Stericab" is commonly useful for Medical & dental centers/clinics, Pharmaceutical industry, Food industry, Environmental protection industry, etc.

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