Woodpex III Apex Locator Golden Standard - Woodpecker



Woodpex 3 Golden Standard is a highly efficient electronic apex locator that helps the dentist in accurately determining the working length to carry out endodontic treatment. The use of apex locators has various advantages over the conventional methods of working length determination and locating the apical constriction.

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Product Description

Woodpex 3 Golden Standard is a highly efficient electronic apex locator that helps the dentist in accurately determining the working length to carry out endodontic treatment. The use of apex locators has various advantages over the conventional methods of working length determination and locating the apical constriction.

Woodpex 3 Golden Standard is a highly efficient electronic apex locator that helps the dentist in accurately determining the working length to carry out endodontic treatment. The use of apex locators has various advantages over the conventional methods of working length determination and locating the apical constriction.

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